HSA Base

HSA Base

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Unlock the wealth building potential of your HSA

From expense tracking to wealth stacking. HSA Base is the easiest way to harness the full power of your Health Savings Account.

Get started for free

30-day risk-free trial. Reminder before billing.

The power of your HSA

Health Savings Accounts offer unmatched tax and growth benefits but require meticulous record-keeping to reach their potential. That's where HSA Base comes in.

Triple tax-advantaged

  • Contributions: Lower your yearly taxes.
  • Investments: No federal tax on growth.
  • Withdrawals: 100% tax-free for qualified expenses. No age limit. No income limit.

Long-term investment

By deferring reimbursements and letting your HSA grow tax-free, you can build a powerful nest-egg for an early retirement or other long-term goals. Unlike an FSA, there is no use-it-or-lose-it rule.


Your HSA funds are yours forever, even if you switch jobs or health plans. Keep your investments growing and pay yourself back for past expenses anytime, even decades later with tax-free withdrawals.

IRS Requirements

This supercharged account comes with a catch. The IRS requires tracking expenses for years as your HSA grows. HSA Base is the easiest way to keep long-term meticulous records.

Save time saving money

Make the most of your Health Savings Account while HSA Base takes the hassle out of record-keeping.

One-click import

Upload receipts or EOBs and let HSA Base's AI sort your expenses. It's like having a personal accountant, ensuring every expense is tracked and categorized.

Smart Expense Recognition

AI-powered scanning of receipts and documents uncovers hidden HSA-eligible items from 1,200+ products. Maximize tax savings by capturing qualifying items you might have overlooked.

Tax-ready records

Breeze through tax time confidently with sorted, stored, and summarized expense documentation for hassle-free reporting.


Your documents are encrypted using AES-256 and you maintain full control of your data with one-click exports. HSA Base is designed to keep your documents secure and accessible for the long haul.

Your HSA is so much more than a spending account

See how deferring reimbursements can substantially increase your HSA's value.

Building Wealth with HSA Base: A Real-Life Example

Step 1: Fund Your HSA
You contribute to your HSA through payroll deductions or direct contributions, setting a strong foundation for long-term growth.
Step 2: Pay for Care
After insurance, a dental procedure costs you $1,000. You pay with non-HSA funds and one-click import the EOB from insurance to HSA Base. HSA Base automatically categorizes the expense and keeps it ready for you to reimburse yourself down the road.
Step 3: Let Your Money Grow
Instead of immediately reimbursing yourself, keep the $1,000 invested in your HSA. This smart decision allows that money to grow tax-free and provides a larger base for compound growth.
Step 4: Strategic Reimbursements
As your HSA investments grow, HSA Base has diligently kept track of all your medical expenses. When the time is right, you can confidently reimburse yourself tax-free using HSA Base's meticulous records. After reimbursement, the investment gains on that expense continue to compound, keeping your HSA's flywheel of growth spinning.
Get started for free

30-day risk-free trial. Reminder before billing.

Maximize your HSA's potential

Turn your HSA into a powerful wealth-building tool. HSA Base removes the complexity of record-keeping so you can focus on growing your tax-free investments.

Grow your HSA like a pro
  • 30-day risk-free trial, reminder before billing
  • Unlimited transactions and AI import
  • Smart HSA eligibility checking
  • Complete data export for personal records
  • Secure, organized, and always accessible
  • IRS-ready records and documentation
  • Never any ads or resale of your data
Perfect for:
  • Savvy HSA investors
  • Families building long-term wealth
  • People ready to optimize their HSA strategy

Frequently Asked Questions